
Seagate External Hard Drive Setup When Sharing Between A Mac And A PC

Seagate External Hard Drive Setup When Sharing Between A Mac And A PC

ExFAT is a file system format used for sharing. Both a Mac and a Windows computer can read an ExFAT drive.

And Seagate Technology sells a number of their drives in an ExFAT format.

Great I hear you say.

But hold on one minute.

Macs will happily use an ExFAT drive as long as it has a GUID Partition Map as its partition scheme.

And some Seagate drives ship ExFAT but with a Master Boot Record as it’s partition scheme.


Well, your Seagate external hard drive in ExFAT will work on your Mac. But may well give you strange errors down the line. Leaving you scratching your head wondering what on earth is up with your drive.

And the issue could be as simple as the partition setup isn’t quite right for your Mac. Modern Window PC’s use the GUID Partition Map as well.

Format your Seagate hard drive on your Mac as ExFAT with a GUID partition Map. For a drive to share files between a Mac and PC. It takes less than 5 minutes to set your drive up right. And this goes for Seagate SSD’s as well.

Note :

"Seagate External Hard Drive Setup When Sharing Between A Mac And A PC"

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