
Reset Seagate External Drive via DiskPart

Reset Seagate External Drive via DiskPart

Another way of resetting a Seagate external drive on Windows is using DiskPart. Diskpart is a command-line tool used to manipulate disk partitions in all versions of Windows. You can perform the steps below to factory reset your Seagate external drive.

Step 1. Search for "Command Prompt" and run it as administrator

Step 2. Type "diskpart", and then press Enter.

Step 3. Type "list disk", and then press Enter.

Step 4. Type "sel disk x" and then press Enter (x here refers to the disk's serial number).

Step 5. Type "clean all" to wipe the Seagate external drive.

Note :

"Reset Seagate External Drive via DiskPart"

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